Saturday, 16 July 2011


This is not a review. Just opinions & mild spoilers.


Oh, Thor. I’ve never read the comic. I know nothing about it. So I’m not in a position to judge it from any sort of preconceived knowledge of the source material.

That being said when your protagonist is the god of war, a bloke who is all about hurling his massive hammer around the place and smashing shit up, casting lighting on suckas and frying their asses, I think it’s a pretty fair bet that you wouldn’t expect his motion picture story to be set mostly on Earth and what’s more to find him powerless for most of that time.

If like me you had no idea what to expect from this film, you may be a little taken aback by what is essentially a story where you get Thor whining like an oversized baby who’s had his favourite rattle taken away from him. Or hammer. Whatever.

I mean maybe I’m just missing the point here. Like I said I’ve never read the comics so that’s entirely possible. But the film at least keeps reiterating that the gods we are seeing are the same as inhabit the world of Norse mythology. So Thor shouldn’t be acting like a whinging great nancy boy. And this becomes all very confusing indeed when you ponder the character of Loki in this film.

In the film, it is explained that the gods fought the Ice Giants on Earth. That they know all about Earth and have done for centuries. That they’ve left a fundamental legacy on Earth’s culture. In a patronising scene all of this is explained to us.

So then, if the world of Thor can be regarded as a continuation of the stories told in Norse mythology, why is it that everyone trusts Loki in this film?

Logically it ought to be first on the agenda to question Loki whenever anything strange is happening in Asgard. Case in point when someone has let Ice Giants into Asgard who should be questioned first but Loki? I mean it’d be a pretty short list of suspects anyway. I guess Asgardians must just have really short memories.

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